Monday, December 22, 2008

Your Competition should be only one person - YOU

In most large organizations, the amount of time and energy that is squandered in interdepartmental rivalry is enormous. Managers who compete with others inside the company waste valuable resources that should be directed at fulfilling the company's mission to serve its customers better. Worse, a negative, internal focus can cause the company to miss opportunities, the full effect of which may not be realized for months or even years.

Whether you are the head of the department or the newest worker on the staff, you can help your company immeasurably by refusing to become embroiled in internal strife. Compete with yourself to do the best job you can do instead of competing with others.

Its a shame that a lot of us are more interested at what others are doing and how to bring them down instead on focusing on how to work on ourselves and move self and company forward.

I strongly feel that cooperation MUST start at the head of the department, if it is expected at the other end. The same stands true for efficiency as well.

Anyone who thinks otherwise?

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