Saturday, November 1, 2008

Defeat-Is it a Reality

Dear Friends,

It isn't DEFEAT, but rather your mental attitude toward it that whips you. Change your thoughts and "Everythings gonna be OK"

There are many things in life that you cannot control, but you can always control your attitude toward them. Defeat is never permanent unless you allow it to be so. When you have a positive attitude, you will recognize failure for the impostor that it is and realize that it is really a learning experience, a valuable lesson that will help you succeed with the next attempt. We should never be afraid of failure - its only then we will deliver.

Ask yourself:

* What could I have done differently that would have altered the outcome?
* What can I do in the future to minimize problems and mistakes?
* What did I learn from this experience that I can put to good use next time?

If you approach obstacles and setbacks with a positive attitude, you will be surprised how quickly you can turn defeat into victory.

Isn't it so easy - it's the PARADIGM shift that is needed.

A lot of people ask me when I send these writeups to them "Do you believe and practice what you say?"
Belief 200%, coz I write my feelings as well - Practice, I try my best but at times, I have failed. Of late, I have continuously reminded myself and believe me, the more I write, the more this has turned into reality.



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