Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Dear friends,

If you ever become discouraged in life (which tends to happens at times), think of HELEN KELLER, who, despite being deaf, dumb and blind inspired her more fortunate contemporaries.

Indeed, the life of Helen Keller is an outstanding example of the triumph of the human spirit over a physical handicap. Even today, decades after her death, her life stands as a beacon of hope for those who must constantly struggle just to perform routine tasks that most of us take for granted.

Whenever you feel fate has been unkind to you, all you must do is look around you and you will begin to appreciate how fortunate you are.

One of the great mysteries of life is why some people who seem to have all the advantages (the right connections, education, and experience) never seem to amount too much while others who have had to struggle for everything they have reach incredible heights of success. It hinges on one thing - DETERMINATION.

If you have the will to succeed, you will somehow find a way, regardless of the obstacles you encounter. Do you use all of your assets to achieve your goals, or are you handicapped by your lack of ambition?

No other person can create in you a desire to succeed. With enough motivation, you will see things all around you that will help you reach your objectives, things that you may have overlooked many times before.

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